Information Warfare 🛈

Information Warfare is using information using those communication technologies(devices) to gain an advantage. It is a tactic of using the communication device to gain access to our target. Practically the industrial revolution brought the devices like television and radio to the world. Where the adversary can use this technology to gain some advantage. And, in the mid-20th century, the Information Age started revolving where some new technology like personal computers came into action which was a great attack vector for the adversary.
And this Information warfare is divided into several categories based on the strategies that are used by the adversary to gain control.
  • Command and Control Warfare is about having command and control over the computer system or the data that is in transit in the network, having a hold on this which lets us have full control over the asset.
    • Hacking Computers to mine for cryptocurrencies.
    • Shutting down the computer and the whole network.
  • Intelligence-based warfare is a sensor-based technology that directly corrupts the technological system. It is an insight into the technology used by our target. This is a practice for modern militaries. Having more insight into our enemy by using some open source intelligence like social media, and news and making a counterattack to blind the enemy or distort his view, lets us win on the battlefield.
  • Electronic warfare interrupts or controls the signals in the Electromagnetic spectrum. Radio electronic attacks the physical system of sending information. And cryptographic techniques use bits and bytes to disrupt the means of sending information. This can be prevented by using
    • Advanced Threat Infrared Countermeasures (ATIRCM)
    • Antennas / Antenna Arrays.
  • Psychological warfare is the technique of influencing the thinking or behavior of the target.
  • Hacker warfare is shutting down the systems, causing some damage to the data, and so on. The one who wants to gain some satisfaction, or abuse the security provided or implemented for their customers.
  • Economic warfare, it is the effect that will have on the organization or government by stopping the flow of information. This can massively affect the economy of an organization or government. This can happen between large companies or governments.
  • CyberWarfare is a conflict between two or more companies in the internet world. This can be caused by terrorists, or hacker groups to fulfill the nation's demand.

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