Types of CyberAttacks
In this passive attack, the attacker doesn't directly communicate with the target system and also intercepts and monitors the network traffic and data flows on the target network. The attacker doesn't tamper with the data. And these are hard to detect as their no direct communication with the target.
Exploit in which the attackers manipulate the data and en route the data packets to the target device in which the attacker gets involved with the data shared through the network or information on the devices.
- Man-in-the-middle attack
- Impersonation (pretending to be another user or faking himself)
- Session Hijacking
- Denial of Service
Whenever the attacker is in close physical proximity to gather, modify or disrupt the communication in the network.
- Social Engineering ( Eavesdropping, Shoulder Surfing, Dumpster diving)
These are the most dangerous attacks that cause massive damage to the organization where one of the employees either an insider or former, business associate has the access to the sensitive information. Violates the rules or intentionally causes damage to the information systems by implementing some malicious software or giving access to the attacker.
- Planting keyloggers, backdoors, and malware.
Tampers with the hardware or software before it is installed on the devices.
- Modifying the software and hardware components.
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